Testimonial: Vice President of Human Resources, Construction and Construction Materials Company

While we always prefer to promote from within, there have been three occasions where we felt it necessary to compare our internal candidates to external candidates to ensure we had the best person for the job. Jackson has consistently advocated for promoting from within, but they also understand the importance of finding the right person for each role. This type of transparency and the way Jackson has handled these sensitive projects are what separates Jackson from others in my opinion.

We were a company that experienced significant growth following the 2009-2010 construction downturn.  As a result, we didn’t have the internal recruiting infrastructure required to handle the amount of reqs we were receiving.  We used Jackson’s leadership consulting services to train and build out our internal recruiting function, review our relationships with third party recruiters, evaluate our CRM and completely overhaul our contracts with standard recruiting firms.   The process of getting our Sr. Leadership to buy into a “process oriented” recruiting function was very difficult, but Jackson had the ability to give leadership the data to believe in the process.  Jackson’s impact can not be stated in numbers alone, but our Time to Fill ratio has improved by over 34% and more importantly the internal communication with leadership values internal recruiting.  Highly recommend!

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