Customizable Standards for Success
The recruiters at Jackson Executive Search are experienced enough to understand that no two searches are the same. The organizations we work with have highly specialized needs, and we consider it a privilege to tailor our solutions to fit those needs.
Underneath this opportunity for customization lies a foundation of excellence: our proven process for recruiting exceptional candidates to fill your most crucial roles. We invite you to explore this process below.
Jackson Executive Search’s Process
Learn About Your Organization
Through detailed communication and independent research, our team will take the time to understand your organization’s vision, goals, and position in the marketplace. This allows us to advise you on strategy and begin the recruiting process for the perfect candidate.
Define Your Ideal Candidate
Leveraging the information we’ve gained about your organization, we’ll work alongside you to define the ideal candidate for your role. What skills, experience, and accomplishments are you seeking? What personal attributes will make someone an ideal cultural fit?
Identify Key Candidates
Using your ideal candidate profile as a roadmap, we’ll identify individuals in our extensive talent network who have the potential to enhance your organization’s leadership and pave the way for future success.
Evaluate Potential Candidates
Our proprietary Jackson Behavioral Profile (J.B.P.) allows us to evaluate the candidates we’ve identified to ensure they’re the best possible fit. During this stage, we’ll conduct reference checks and any additional evaluations you request.
Provide a Comprehensive Report
We’ll deliver an extensive report on each selected candidate, including job history, education, personal information, and our expert evaluations of objectives, traits, and cultural matches.
Assist in Interview Coordination
If you choose to move forward with a candidate, our team will coordinate the interview and prepare the candidate on the information they’ll be expected to provide. If needed, our in-house travel department offers complimentary assistance with all travel arrangements on a cost-only basis to clients.
Post Interview Debriefs
After the interview, our team will promptly follow up with your organization and the candidate to answer additional questions, evaluate interview results, and determine the next steps.
Compensation Negotiations
Navigating compensation for executive and other high-level roles can be challenging. Our team will leverage our vast experience and current market data to act as an intermediary between parties and ensure a favorable outcome.
Assist Candidates With Resignation
Once a candidate accepts your offer, we will offer them guidance and support on the most effective way to resign from their current employer and make a smooth transition to your team.
Assist in Onboarding
Even after hiring is finalized, we’ll continue to act as a support system by regularly scheduling follow-ups with you and the candidate. This smooths the onboarding process and ensures mutual satisfaction.
Our Guarantee
Jackson Executive Search has dedicated over twenty years to refining our recruitment process, resulting in unparalleled professionalism and expertise. Our track record of consistent success allows us to offer a comprehensive candidate guarantee program, ensuring that you receive the value you deserve.
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